Van di András

Vista frontale a ¾ Mitsubishi L300 - Yescapa

6 posti con cinturePosti con cinture di sicurezza

2 posti lettoComoda zona notte per 2 persone

Patente BLa tua patente va bene per guidare questo veicolo con peso inferiore a 3500 kg

Documento verificatoLa carta di circolazione è verificata da noi

Viaggi all'estero autorizzatiIl proprietario autorizza il suo veicolo a circolare in più paesi

Animali domestici ammessi a bordoI tuoi animali domestici possono far parte del viaggio!

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    Assicurazione inclusa o Protezione rinforzata, a te la scelta!

  • Garanzia di partenza

    Alternative proposte in caso di problemi dell'ultimo minuto

  • Assistenza stradale 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

    Il nostro team è sempre al tuo servizio

  • Pagamento sicuro

    Più comfort con le nostre agevolazioni di pagamento

András ti presenta il suo van

Update 16-05-2023: Mitsi now is equiped with a diesel parking heater! The cold weather is not an excuse anymore :)

Our mini camper is called 'Mitsi' named by my mom :) She will be the perfect companion for your travels around the Iberian Peninsula. Ideal for 3, small group of friends or a family, however she can accommodate up to 6 persons too. She has plenty of storage space for your stuff, you can even carry bikes on the roof, in case you are into cycling, just like us.

Mitsi can be relocated for the check in nearby the Airport of Porto and/or the vicinity of Porto, with an extra cost of 36€, and as a welcoming gift I will bring you a bottle of good Portuguese wine! Mitsi is equipped with “Via Verde” identification device (Portuguese toll system), so you do not have to buy tickets to travel on highways. These costs will be deducted from the deposit after your journey.

You'll get the van clean and tidy and ready for your journey. This is the way we would like to get it back too. In case you didn't have the chance to clean it, we are going to deduct a fee of 15€ for exterior and 40€ for interior cleaning from your deposit. Mitsi started her life as a Japanese panel van. Recently she was remodeled, check out the process on Instagram @mitsi_the_campervan She's got a new bed, furniture, storage boxes, curtains, a gutter rack for the roof which will include two bike carriers and an exterior storage box.

Mitsi was transformed into our getaway mini-camper for exploring Portugal and Spain. We love cycling, so she has a rack for bike transportation, also some basic tools for fixing a bike and storage for bike accessories. As mentioned above, she can carry up to 6 persons, so you can go with friends and/or family for a holiday with her.

Although the bed is big (1.5m wide and 2.0m long) it is comfortable only for two adults and an infant (8-10 years max I think). So if you decide to travel with more than three people with Mitsi, you should consider arranging a tent. We were exploring (over the last three years) Northern Portugal and Galicia in Spain, for short breaks. We have been to Algarve, doing more than 1500km with Mitsi.

We can give you a few tips about places to visit and campsites which are great for families. If you prefer mountains, Mitsi can handle that as well, it is not a fast van, but holiday are also not about rushing, especially in Portugal :)

Mitsi is not fast, but nevertheless, a loyal travel companion. She likes to roll at around 100-110 km/h max, but at that speed, she can go around the world easily. Rushing her also doesn´t make much sense, because she will get thirsty, but not much faster.

She has a soul, and a darker past as workhorse in the construction industry, so please do respect that, and let her just enjoy this new traveling lifestyle, and I advise you to do the same! Check out Mitsi, and plan your trip. If you need some help in terms of places to visit and where to ride your bike, just ask us!



Letti 1

Letto alla francese

150x200 cm


  • Portabici
  • Set di stoviglie
  • Kit di pulizia
  • Prodotti di consumo
  • Caffettiera
  • Autoradio
  • Riscaldamento
  • Doccia esterna
  • Fornelli

Caratteristiche tecniche

  • ModelloMitsubishi L300
  • Data di immatricolazione1993
  • Peso massimo autorizzato2510 kg
  • Altezza2.1 m

Condizioni della prenotazione

Condizioni del proprietario

  • Viaggio all'esteroAutorizzato
  • Patente di guidaPatente B
  • Animali a bordoAutorizzato
  • Veicolo fumatoriNon autorizzato
  • Superamento del chilometraggio€ 0.40 per km aggiuntivo


  • Modalità di consegna della cauzioneGestita direttamente dal proprietario, contanti, bonifico, altro
  • Importo€ 800

Condizioni d'annullamento

Le modalità di rimborso variano a seconda della data di annullamento della prenotazione.


  • Costi di pulizia€ 55.00 a noleggio

Luogo di ritiro

Maia (4470-558), Portogallo

L'indirizzo esatto ti verrà comunicato al momento della conferma della prenotazione.

32 recensioni su una prenotazione verificata

AndrásBest OwnerProprietario privato — Su Yescapa dal 2019András fa parte dei nostri Best Owner: sono i proprietari con le migliori recensioni su Yescapa, con cui abbiamo un relazione di fiducia.

English: My name is András, I am 37 years old, married, and father of a 9-year-old boy. I am an engineer but for most of my life I have been working as a bicycle mechanic. I was born and raised in Hungary, however I have lived in The Netherlands. Nowadays, I live in Portugal for almost a decade now. My passion is mountain biking and cycling, which started 26 years ago when I began racing. I am two times Hungarian National Champion and I have participated in several World Cups, and in the World Championship and the European Championship as well in 2003. Besides sports, I love to learn languages, hence I speak Hungarian, Dutch, English, Portuguese and German. The cycling lifestyle and the love for the outdoors remained after I quit racing. This passion led me and my wife Barbara to start camping after our son, Ákos, was born. We were looking for some outdoor activity which we can do with a young child. So we ended up creating "Mitsi" step by step, our camper minivan. We go camping on the weekends, and sometimes longer vacations too, mainly in Portugal. We love this country, and we have explored already a fair bit of it along the years. Any info you need about Portugal, just let us know! Português: O meu nome é András, tenho 34 anos, sou casado e pai de um menino de 5 anos. Sou engenheiro, mas durante grande parte da minha vida tenho trabalhado como mecânico de bicicletas. Nasci e cresci na Hungria, contudo já vivi na Holanda. Ultimamente, vivo em Portugal quase há uma década. A minha paixão é BTT e ciclismo, que começou há 23 anos quando eu comecei a competir. Fui Campeão Nacional Húngaro de XC (Cross Country) por duas vezes, participei várias vezes em Taças Mundiais e em Campeonatos Mundiais, assim como no Campeonato Europeu (em 2003). Para além do desporto, adoro aprender línguas, dai falar húngaro, holandês, inglês, português e alemão. Este estilo de vida de ciclista e o gosto pelo ar livre permaneceram depois de largar as competições. Esta paixão levou-nos, a mim e à minha esposa Bárbara, a começar a acampar depois do nosso filho, Ákos, nasceu. Procurávamos algumas atividades ao ar livre que pudessem ser realizadas com uma criança. Portanto, acabámos por criar a “Mitsi”, passo a passo, a nossa carrinha mini de campismo. Nós acampamos aos fins de semana e, por vezes, nas férias mais longas também, maioritariamente em Portugal. Adoramos este país e já exploramos uma grande parte do território, ao longo dos anos. Qualquer informação que precisem sobre Portugal, é só contactar-nos!

  • Valutazione complessiva
  • Tasso di risposta100%
  • Lingue parlateInglese, Portoghese, Olandese
  • Profilo certificato

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